To increase your income, you must begin with a burning desire. That is the starting point, or the secret. Napoleon Hill explains that in his book Think and Grow Rich.
Desire is where and how you will double your income.
I’m in a conference watching my now mentor, at the time he was just a guy I paid $199 for his workshop.
As I sat and listened to him teach and watched him sell an additional product, I sat amazed. There were about 400 people in this room at the World Marriott Hotel in Orlando.
He gave us some great teachings that we could apply to our lives today, now, ahora, but he also promoted another service we could learn from and grow for $997. Yes, $997. Look I just spent $199 which I had never done before now he is suggesting I spend $997. Can you see me choking on the water I was drinking when I saw the cost.
As I struggled with the price, I watched person after person get up and walk to the sign-up table. They were getting their credit cards from their purses or wallets. They were filling out some form and then giving the credit cards over to an attendant. $997 boom just like that. The lines started forming 5, 10, 20 people in about 10 lines. I couldn’t believe it. I calculated that about 250 people were signing up.
Let’s do the math, 250 x $997 = $249,250. My mouth dropped to the floor. I was stunned, shocked, and it felt surreal.
When I made him my mentor, I double checked and my math was super close, but it turned out to be wrong, because more people signed up after the workshop.
I’m going to say it again to increase your income you must begin with a burning desire.
I recently heard this story “Many years ago, the commencement speaker at a prestigious university asked all members of the graduating class who had a definite plan for their lives to hold up their hands.
As he looked around the room, only three hands were raised. Twenty-five years later, when the class held a reunion, the combined net worth of those three individuals exceeded that of the remainder of the class.”
When you know where you are going you will achieve far greater levels of success than those who merely drift through life. You want to double your income then you must create a plan to achieve the goal of doubling your income.
People who are expecting circumstances to create opportunities for them will not achieve the goal of doubling their income.
Successful people create their own opportunities by focusing on goals with an intensity that borders on obsession. In this way, every action moves them toward their goal.